Orv. Keira Knightley er altid god at se på. Og det er åbenbart en god historie, der skal fortælles. Katharine Gun prøvede i 2003 at standse Irak-krigen ved at afsløre USA’s og UKs falskspil for at legitimere krigen i Irak.
The film may be jarring to some consumers of major media who might think that Donald Trump invented lying in 2017.
For at sikre sig opbakning til krigen i FNs sikkerhedsråd, spionerede USA og UK på ledende politikere og embedsmænd, også fra deres allierede – det blev noget af en skandale. Ikke fordi det forhindrer nogen i at lyve videre…
Leading presidential candidate Joe Biden—who not only voted for the Iraq invasion, but presided over rigged hearings on it in 2002–has recently falsified his record repeatedly on Iraq at presidential debates with hardly a murmur. Nor is he alone. Those refusing to be held accountable for their Iraq war lies include not just Bush and Cheney, but John Kerry and Nancy Pelosi. Biden has actually faulted Bush for not doing enough to get United Nations approval for the Iraq invasion. But as the Gun case helps show, there was no legitimate case for invasion and the Bush administration had done virtually everything, both legal and illegal, to get UN authorization.