Jeg faldt over et tidligere blog-forsøg (fra… 2001…wow…), og blev her opmærksom på en kilde, der bringer mange sjove ting frem, nemlig en NGO, der holder styr på de amerikanske sikkerheds-agenturer.
Den seneste historie, de bringer, ligger lige i hælene af den forrige på dette sted, nemlig Indonesiens nærmest totalt fortiede aktiviteter på Øst-Timor. NSA Archives lukker op for historien om, hvordan Indonesiens militær huserede i tiden op til folkeafstemningen om Øst-Timors selvstændighed 30/8 1999. Artige sager…
Indonesia invaded the former Portuguese colony of East Timor in December 1975, a year-and-a-half after the April 1974 collapse of the António de Oliveira Salazar dictatorship in Portugal. Indonesian officials decided in the fall of 1974 to incorporate Timor, through political subversion if possible, and through force if necessary, launching a covert operation (code-named Komodo) to this end, whose activities increased in intensity as the depth of Timorese support for independence became apparent.
The U.S. government knew nearly a year in advance of Indonesian plans to invade East Timor but viewed the territory as insignificant and its incorporation by Indonesia an inevitable outcome. National Security Council staffer W.R. Smyser recommended to Secretary of State Henry Kissinger “a general policy of silence,” arguing “that we have considerable interests in Indonesia and none in Timor.”
Between 1975 and 1983, according to the U.N.-sponsored Truth Commission for East Timor (, between 106,000 and 180,000 Timorese died from massacre, starvation, and disease attributable to Indonesia’s invasion and occupation. While only Australia legally recognized Indonesia’s formal May 1976 annexation of East Timor, most Western countries, including the United States and Britain, informally recognized Indonesia’s control of the territory. Indonesia maintained a heavy military presence in the territory and ruthlessly repressed opposition to its occupation, which included a November 1991 massacre of at least 271 unarmed Timorese civilians in the capital of Dili by Indonesian army units using U.S.-supplied weapons.
Det var så den oprindelige besættelse… og da Indonesiens diktator Suharto trådte tilbage og hans efterfølger udskrev en folkeafstemning på Øst-Timor gik det rigtig stærkt… og hele vejen igennem var amerikanerne vel vidende på forhånd om hvad der skete og ville ske. Først massive protester verden over og vedtagelser i USA’s kongres fik Bill Clinton til at suspendere det militære samarbejde med Indonesien.